Pietro Terzini x Fay

Milan Design Week

During an exclusive event at Milan Design Week, Fay presents its collaborative project with Pietro Terzini. 1990-born Terzini is the creative mind behind turning words into distinctive signs. His messages – all in the same by-now recognisable font – reach audiences in the most diverse ways.

‘Big dogs don’t bark’, which goes hand in hand with the brand’s mascot, is not simply a claim but rather a philosophy of life. A common ground is shared when it comes to values and a sense of balance; the vision of those not wanting to upset the apple cart but provide a contemporary, new and “non-aggressive” interpretation.

Pietro Terzini x Fay Capsule

“What I do works because of its simplicity, I try to remove the layers of complexity. I want my creativity to reach as many people as possible, and for it to speak to them. Something truly works when it is shared. I like to think of myself as providing an alternative communication tool, one that conveys a message.”

Milan Design Week

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