With a backdrop of the majestic Lofoten islands, Fay's authentic story takes the lead through items created for adventure, yet suitable for urban environments. Fay presents Fay Archive: a spin-off, born to celebrate the Brand's workwear heritage, in which the grand tradition of the best, American outdoor pieces meets the taste and elegance of Italian lifestyle.
Fay Archive takes the Brand's original DNA and entrusts it to explorer and male-style expert, Alessandro Squarzi, who brings his ideas and creativity to the first chapter of this style story. From this, a key and modern edition of the glorious 4 Ganci Jacket is born, to be combined with the Reversible Jacket.
Fay Archive takes the Brand's original DNA and entrusts it to explorer and male-style expert, Alessandro Squarzi, who brings his ideas and creativity to the first chapter of this style story. From this, a key and modern edition of the glorious 4 Ganci Jacket is born, to be combined with the Reversible Jacket.